Pigmentation Lasers

Laser treatment is not needed for all pigmentation disorders, may not suit all skin types, is not affordable and accessible to all, and can actually make certain pigmentation disorders worse. And yet, when it comes to certain indications like tattoos, lentigines or lichen planus pigmentation, lasers maybe the only effective treatment choice. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) lasers are chosen for light skinned individuals with poor skin texture, multiple freckles, uneven skin tones and facial ruddiness. 

Q switched laser and Fractional Erbium YAG laser work better in other conditions like under eye lines and pigmentation, acanthosis nigricans and macular amyloidosis. Laser toning uses low fluence Q switched laser in a fractionated (pixellated beam) and is becoming increasingly popular for overall skin lightening and treatment of resistant pigmentation like under eye pigmentation, under arm pigmentation and lip pigmentation.

In addition to all of the above, our center also offers Pico Lasers, being one among a very few elite dermatological centers in the country, to offer this unique innovation. Pico Lasers are the most powerful lasers in the World to tackle all kinds of pigmentation – freckles, certain birthmarks, pigmentation created as a result of skin diseases like acne or lichen planus, uneven skin tone, tattoos and much more. Imagine pigmented cells under your skin as a big rock of Melanin.

Q switched Nd:YAG lasers break down the rock into little pebbles of pigmentation. Your pigmentation is now much improved but not fully clear. Pico laser is then capable of turning these pebbles into fine sand, thereby eliminating the last remnants of pigmentation that the Q switched laser is unable to break down any further. Do check ‘Patient Information Leaflet – Cosmetic’ for more information on Q switched Nd:YAG laser and Pico Laser.

Pico Lasers are the most powerful lasers in the World to tackle all kinds of pigmentation and tattoos.

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